How Acupuncture Helps with Anxiety, Depression, and Panic Attacks
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How Acupuncture Helps with Anxiety, Depression, and Panic Attacks

Acupuncture is an old, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practice where a trained and certified acupuncturists insert tiny, hair-thin needles into your skin in various pressure points around your body. The practice of doing so helps with a malady of issues. It can help with everything from skin issues to digestion to stress. Acupuncturists see your…

Cosmetic Acupuncture: The New [Healthy] Botox

Cosmetic Acupuncture: The New [Healthy] Botox

Looking younger and wrinkle-free has and continues to be a desire for many women. Many often stay away from rejuvenation techniques because they typically involve chemicals and injections of unnatural substances that can cause some major side effects. As we get more health conscious and aware of the toxins we put into our body, many…

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Children

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Children

Do you know that pediatrics is the oldest specialty in Chinese medicine? For over 2,000 years Traditional Chinese Medicine has been providing solutions to children’s health problems. And it isn’t just herbal medicine—Traditional Chinese Medicine includes acupuncture, Chinese massage, herbal medicine, and dietary therapy. Chinese Medicine approaches healing through noninvasive treatments that focus on an…

What Happens to Your Brain During Acupuncture?

What Happens to Your Brain During Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the ancient (3,000 years ancient) Chinese practice of using needles the size of a cat whisker to alleviate a vast array of issues. Acupuncture helps release the natural flow of your body’s energy, which when blocked, can cause pain, disruptions in your sleep, illness, and digestive issues. Trained acupuncturists can help your body…